Feature #23768
closedAPI for Trees and ContextMenus
Currently we are missing a stable, modern and flexible approach to create trees and contextmenus.
This is a result from the TYPO3 Core Sprint 2010 in Suttgart and is a prerequisite for any new trees in the backend like the page- or filetree.
Add an API for the fast forward creation of flexible and reusable trees and contextmenus. You can find all informations about the current state of the tree team in the dedicated wiki on forge. Also you will find an up to date UML diagram of the tree and contextmenu API for a better understanding of the whole concept. Have Fun!
How To Test:
In the current git trunk http://github.com/sgalinski/typo3v4core, you can find a small TCA tree implementation that was written by Steffen Ritter and utilizes the current API.
(issue imported from #M16033)