Bug #30636
closedTCA: subtypes_addlist not being processed if the subtype_value_field is in a palette
How to reproduce:¶
Install mc_googlesitemap in TYPO3 4.5 and wonder where the referred fields from the documentation are: they are not rendered. They are supposed to appear in the content element of type "Menu/Sitemap" when you choose one of the newly introduced Subtypes "Sitemaps for Contents" or "Sitemaps for Pages".
Extensions can add fields to an existing table depending on a certain "subtype". E.g. Content Element of type "menu" has subtype stored in "menu_type". Extension mc_googlesitemap wants to add fields depending on the menu_type:
$TCA["tt_content"]["types"]["menu"]["subtypes_addlist"][$_EXTKEY."_pi1"]= ...
This used to work fine since 4.4, but in 4.5 the "menu_type" field is now inside a palette, so the new fields have no place to be positioned and so they are not rendered at all.
Go through the palettes too, and add the new fields right after the palette where the field resides in. Now it looks like this: