Bug #32938
closedLink to mounted shortcut page lacks &MP parameter
There is a bug when generating links to shortcut pages over a mounted page.
Page tree to reproduce the problem:
root |-- [1] website | |-- [2] page 1 | |-- [3] page 2 | `-- [4] page 3 (not shown in menu, mount point to [5]) `-- [5] shared pages |-- [6] normal page `-- [7] tools (shortcut to 1st child) `-- [8] page X
Generate a double menu, one for pages of [1], one dedicated to pages under mount point [4] (which is not shown in first menu)
Menu 1¶
- /index.php?id=2 -> page 1
- /index.php?id=3 -> page 2
Menu 2¶
- /index.php?id=6&MP=5-4 -> normal page
- /index.php?id=8&MP=5-4 -> tools
This works only when current page is [6]. What is generated for Menu 2 when current page is within [1] ("website") is:
Menu 2 (BUG)¶
- /index.php?id=6&MP=5-4 -> normal page
- /index.php?id=8 -> tools
Thus when a link to a shortcut page is generated, it lacks the &MP parameter unless current page already contains the &MP parameter.
Updated by Xavier Perseguers about 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Xavier Perseguers
TypoScript to generate the menus:
page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.wrap = <h1>Menu 1</h1> | page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1 { wrap = <ul>|</ul> NO { wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li> } } page.20 < page.10 page.20 { wrap = <h1>Menu 2</h1> | special = directory special.value = 4 }
Updated by Xavier Perseguers about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
Updated by Gerrit Code Review about 13 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Under Review
Patch set 1 for branch master has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/7656
Updated by Gerrit Code Review about 13 years ago
Patch set 1 for branch TYPO3_4-6 has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/7749
Updated by Xavier Perseguers about 13 years ago
- Status changed from Under Review to Resolved
- Target version set to 4.6.4
- Complexity set to medium
Updated by Xavier Perseguers about 13 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Updated by Andreas Wolf almost 13 years ago
This does not apply to TYPO3 4.5, as this bug was introduced by feature #17037, which is not part of 4.5. Instead, 4.5 still has the bug that the MP parameter is lost for shortcuts in mount points (see e.g. #19379, #17537). This is also true for 4.6+, if you call the shortcut page instead of the shortcut target (which is not the default anymore because of this issue).
I will prepare an updated version of the patch for #17537 soon.