Bug #33123
closedSuggest contents are not displayed correctly in IE9
When using IE9 in TYPO3 4.5.10 and 4.6.3 to search for records in suggest fields the found records are not displayed directly below the search input field but a lot below. This gets a real problem in TCAs of records where you have a field with a suggest that is at the bottom of the viewbox - the suggest content is displayed below the current viewbox, so a scrollbar is added - but when you scroll down to access it, you leave the suggest input field and the suggest content is removed.
This makes suggest fields unusable in IE9, which is a major disadvantage.
Steps to reproduce:
Edit a page, switch to the "Appearance" tab and enter the first letters of a page in the suggest search field of "Replace Content". The suggest content (yellow box with the found records) is displayed 350px below the suggest input field.