Bug #39625
closedwrong imagesize in gifbuilder
gifbuilder generates a wrong imagesize if a TEXT or BOX is unset by a if clause.
Take an image with a text element rendered by a gifbuilder.
Set the height of the image (XY) to the height of the image by using the calc+ function ( [10.h] ).
Now the image has same height as the text.
But if you remove the text with an if clause, the text is gone but the height of the image is wrong.
Please see example below:
page.10 = IMAGE
page.10 {
file {
format = png
XY = [10.w],[10.h]+[20.h]
backColor = #ffffff
10 = TEXT
10 {
text = first
offset = 0, 72
fontColor = #000000
fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/arial.ttf
fontSize = 100
20 = TEXT
20 {
text = second
offset = 0, [10.h]+72
fontColor = #000000
fontFile = fileadmin/default/fonts/LinotypeDidotItalic.ttf
fontSize = 100
if.isTrue.listNum = 3