Bug #53066
closedmedia content-element and minify
If the ext minify is installed, the inline JS of media content-element is included before the minified file. So i get a JS Error.
Now I modified the file class.tslib_content_shockwaveflashobject.php in typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/content/.
The File is in the Attachment. The change is in line 167 (addJsInlineCode->addJsFooterInlineCode).
I hope you can include this change in next release of 4.5LTS.
Updated by Philipp Gampe over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
You forgot to attach the file. Can you attach it again?
I agree that it makes more sense to move the JS to the footer.
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago
Hi Simon,
can you attach the file you spoke about?
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
- Target version deleted (
No feedback within the last 90 days => closing this ticket.
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