Feature #69288
closedSEARCHRESULT Content Object Ordering
The documentation states, that with the config directive "noOrderBy" the search result can be selected from the database unordered. When boolean false, the result is ordered by 'pages.lastUpdated, pages.tstamp' ascending. When boolean true, no ordering is applied, i.e. the result is output by the time of which a record has been input in the database.
From my point of view, it would make more sense to order descending (newest pages first, instead of oldest pages first). Or even better, a config directive to specify, which fields should be sorted in which order, like the following example:
.OrderBy = pages.title ASC
.OrderBy = pages.uid DESC
and so on.
The code should be changed in \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\SearchResultContentObject around line 209.
Easy fix: Add Order Descending
Awesome fix: Add new config directive
Updated by Benni Mack over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Hey Gregor,
the code was removed in TYPO3 7, as the code was moved to the compatibility6 extension.
Feel free to open up a pull request or issue there.