Bug #69304
closedUpgrade 4.5 -> 6.2 fails with installed oelib extension
The extension oelib is compatible with core versions 4.5-6.2 but extends a database table which is only present in systems >= 6.0 (sys_file). Therefore it happens that in 4.5 systems a database table sys_file with only one field from oelib is created. This system can't be upgraded to 6.2 anymore because the upgrade wizard adds the uid field of sys_file table without auto_increment property. Therefore the first file which is indexed by another upgrade wizard gets uid 0 which results in an error as 0 as file uid isn't allowed.
There should be either a new upgrade wizard taking care about missing auto_increment options or at least an information to tell the user to got to the database compare function and add all new fields manually before continuing the upgrade process.