Bug #71094
closedPagetree loose active(selected) page when you edit the page proberties and click "Save & Close" button as non admin
This happens,
still in latest TYPO3 6.2 if you are not an admin-user.
You can reproduce it on or on your own TYPO3:
- http://cms62.demo.typo3.org/typo3/ with simple_editor (if the usergroup "Simple editors" has the "Web"-module list)
If you click on a page in the pagetree (if you in "List" or "Page"-Submodul is not important here), then when you go to edit the page-proberties and click "Save & Close" button you get lost, in the pagetree. This is really annoying if your editors work in a large pagetree.
The issue happens here:
Line: 345
- $mountPoints[] = (int)$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['pageTree_temporaryMountPoint'];
- $mountPoints = array_unique($mountPoints);
This adds a Mountpoint to the SiteRoot (0) if there is no temporary MountPoint selected.
So i added a check, if there is any pageTree_temporaryMountPoint.
+ if(!is_null($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['pageTree_temporaryMountPoint'])){
+ $mountPoints[] = (int)$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['pageTree_temporaryMountPoint'];
+ $mountPoints = array_unique($mountPoints);
+ }
I added a Patch for 6.2.14. But the file didn't get changed since 2014…
So should work for latest TYPO3 6.2.
kind regards