Bug #72079
closedfor CEs unknown to the core only preview of field 'image' is done
if you create new CEs and try to be more compatible to existing CEs you might use the field 'media' or 'assets' for including images (or other media).
but only the field 'images' is considerd for preview in the default case.
it would be very helpful if beside the field 'images' also the fields 'media' and 'assets' were handled.
File: sysext/backend/Classes/View/PageLayoutView.php : tt_content_drawItem ()
public function tt_content_drawItem($row) : if ($drawItem) { switch ($row['CType']) { : default: $contentType = $this->CType_labels[$row['CType']]; if (isset($contentType)) { :
Updated by Georg Ringer about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
is absolutly not aware for what you are using those fields.
It is better to use a custom renderer. Take a look at \TYPO3\CMS\FluidStyledContent\Hooks\TextmediaPreviewRenderer
or even an easier solution https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/core/latest/Changelog/7.5/Feature-69459-ShowTt_contentPreviewInPageModuleViaFluid.html.
Updated by Bernd Wilke about 9 years ago
I already found both kinds of preview, but as both kinds of preview does not worked for me (and I got no help to identify the errors) I assume there will be others which will have the same problem.
and so the solution is to copy 3 lines for preview rendering of images entries to the fields media and assets which were used by newer core CEs teh default behaviour would be more robust.