Bug #76224
openState change notifications not send when option „Notify all users on any change“ is not set (workspaces)
When a user sends a change to another stage, a notification mail only gets send when the change is moved to the LIVE-Workspace.
Our Setup:
One additional Workspace that we call "PREVIEW Workspace"
Some BE Users are Owners in the User-Tab, some BE Users are Members in the User-Tab.
We have three stages editing, ready to publish and publishing execute.
By default, only if a change is moved to publishing execute a notification mail get's send.
I can check and uncheck the respective Owners and Members on each stagechange, but no mail gets send.
If I enable the option „Notify all users on any change“ I can check and uncheck Owners and Members on each stage-change and the respective notification-mails are send.
Only checked Users are getting notifications, no matter which status they have (Member/Owner).
So from my point of view everything is working fine when „Notify all users on any change“ is set, but the name of the option made me think that indeed ALL USERS are notified on ANY CHANGE without respecting my manual restrictions/selections.
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 9 years ago
Can you please add a screenshot of the relevant configuration of the workspace record? This way it's easier to ensure we're talking about the same behavior. Thanks in advance...
Updated by Christian Richter almost 9 years ago
- File workspace_users.png workspace_users.png added
- File option_set.png option_set.png added
- File checkboxes.png checkboxes.png added
Updated by Rémy DANIEL almost 5 years ago
Christian, do you have a better label for the option „Notify all users on any change“?