Story #76393
closedprotected pages for members
Hey guys,
I have some protected pages on a website.
Now I would like to make some text for members of a protected page.
For members - easy: add a content element and choose the group
For non-members - if I choose "hide at login" everything is fine if the user is not logged in.
But if a user is registrated but he is not authorized he will get no content.
If a user is logged in but no authorisation - a special group is not defined. But his is registred and therefor in a group called "registered".
This group "registered" is a group for all felogin users. So everybody is in this group.
OK, I can go and delete this group from all people who are in a "real" group with speccial access. But this will be much work.
Anyone an idea to solve this easily? Perhaps something like that if the feuser is assigned to more than group.
Updated by Andreas Kienast over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Hi Andrea,
please be aware this is a bugtracker, not a support board. Please contact us on Slack (register on and join the #typo3-cms channel for such questions.
Kind regards,