

Andrea Herzog-Kienast


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 4 18 22



19:18 TYPO3 Core Bug #95122: TYPO3 falesly indexes file CHANGE time (ctime) into sys_file.creation_date.
Jepp, but strange noboby noticed. As I can see: Uploaded file in FAL gets a timestamp, however upload date. If you ch... Andrea Herzog-Kienast


14:35 TYPO3 Core Bug #95122 (Needs Feedback): TYPO3 falesly indexes file CHANGE time (ctime) into sys_file.creation_date.
h2. Updated description
TYPO3 indexes a file's @mtime@ into sys_file.modification_date, which is correct. The @mti...
Andrea Herzog-Kienast


14:19 TYPO3 Core Feature #78373 (Closed): Access rights - User not in group1
Hey TYOP3 world,
While working with restricted pages I add pages and contentelements to special groups.
But if fe...
Andrea Herzog-Kienast


15:33 TYPO3 Core Bug #73545: Translation Meta Data in FAL
Yes, this issue still exists.
Ich can edit metadata in all languages, even if there is no text in metadata in defaul...
Andrea Herzog-Kienast


13:38 TYPO3 Core Story #76393 (Closed): protected pages for members
Hey guys,
I have some protected pages on a website.
Now I would like to make some text for members of a protected...
Andrea Herzog-Kienast


17:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #71048: BE-Users (non-admin) cannot edit text with images in TYPO3 6.2.15
Yes, thank you. Andrea Herzog-Kienast
14:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #71048: BE-Users (non-admin) cannot edit text with images in TYPO3 6.2.15
Sorry, I can't reproduce this issue any more. Andrea Herzog-Kienast
14:49 TYPO3 Core Task #73765: Think about making category not global anymore
Thank you Wouter, yes, solved in my 7.6.6
Andrea Herzog-Kienast


16:01 TYPO3 Core Feature #71827: FAL File Collection
Cool! Andrea Herzog-Kienast


16:47 TYPO3 Core Bug #72961: TCA: using renderMode = tree, the treeConfig => rootUid can't get substituted with Page TSconfig
As Stefan saied, this seems to work. But now it will even not work with 6.2.19.
If I set ...
Andrea Herzog-Kienast

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