Bug #76535
closedLive-Search is bound to the module "Web -> List"
While testing and reviewing #76432 using the introduction package, the following error occured:
Given you work as a simple editor and using the live search, the backend looks broken after clicking "Show all".
At first sight it looks like a javascript error in the console
Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined (modulemenu.js line 190).
But the reason is, that the "Simple Editor" has no access right to the module "Web -> List".
Just removing the button "Show all" and just displaying the results is no solution either. A click on a content element or any other result opens it in edit mode. But after closing it, the editor gets the error message "Access Error: You don't have access to this module. ... which is right, because he is still in the context of "Web => List".
Just taking another existing module like "Web->Page" is not a solution, but there will be editors out in the wild who have only access to third party modules like "News".
A possible solution may be to create a new backend extension "search" which includes the live search stuff and inherits al necessary parts of the functionality of the list module. If a user gets permission for the search, the live search is displayed and results are displayed. Displaying a seperate search module as "Web => Search" could be configurable.
This issue can be reproduced in TYPO3 7LTS and master.
Updated by Marcus Schwemer over 7 years ago
Tested with 8.7.0-dev and the introduction-package
- Backend does not look broken any more
- JS Error still exists
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined at Object.openInContentFrame (ModuleMenu.js?bust=22ad52a…:246) at Object.loadModuleComponents (ModuleMenu.js?bust=22ad52a…:184) at Object.showModule (ModuleMenu.js?bust=22ad52a…:168) at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (LiveSearch.js?bust=22ad52a…:121) at HTMLLIElement.dispatch (jquery-3.1.1.min-142db8c….js:3) at HTMLLIElement.q.handle (jquery-3.1.1.min-142db8c….js:3)
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Hello. I close this issue as a duplicate of #79974 please continue the discussion there; I've added a reference to keep track of this issue. Thank you.