Bug #79446
closedTCA Wizard Select
The "select" wizard's select-properties can be manipulated with the same number of TSconfig options which are available for "real" select-type fields in TCEFORM.[table].[field].
You can use markers in the WHERE clause: ...
The markers results in empty values!
'textfield' => array( 'config' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'cols' => 40, 'rows' => 5, 'eval' => 'trim', 'wizards' => array( 'suggest' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'mode' => 'prepend', 'foreign_table' => 'tx_extkey_domain_model_suggest', 'foreign_table_where' => ' AND tx_extkey_domain_model_suggest.type="textfield" AND tx_extkey_domain_model_suggest.sys_language_uid IN(-1,###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid###) ORDER BY tx_extkey_domain_model_suggest.keyword', ), ) ), ),
results in
REC_FIELD_pid: '' (should be 3)
REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid: '' (should be 1)
CURRENT_PID:0 (should be 3)
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
rejected: this will not be fixed anymore in v7, in v8 the select wizard does not exist anymore and has been moved to a more simple 'valuePicker' that supports only static item lists.