Bug #79589
I've started with 7.6.14 - all fine
Two extensions are affected here: a) filemetadata and b) fal_securedownload
When I've upgraded to 7.6.15, Database analyzer wants to execute the following:
ALTER TABLE sys_file_metadata CHANGE fe_groups fe_groups tinytext NOT NULL;
This FAILS ALYWAYS, as files with NULL values in SYS_FILE_METADATA.FE_GROUPS exists.
To workaround this, I've updated all records with NULL values for SYS_FILE_METADATA.FE_GROUPS by setting SYS_FILE_METADATA.FE_GROUPS to '' (empty string instead of NULL value)
Having done this, I was able to perform the database analyzer upgrade to the valid 7.6.15 structure.
But, SIDE EFFECT !, starting from this upgrade NO UPLOADS to a file store are possible, as usual upload from FILE - FILE STORE fails because trying to insert NULL values in SYS_FILE_METADATA.FE_GROUPS.
Seems to be a conceptual problem. As it's technically not possibe to define a default for a TINYTEXT NOT NULL column (error is #1101 - BLOB/TEXT column 'description' can't have a default value), the desired structure change to NOT NULL does not work.