Bug #81970
closedBlockstyles can't be used in EDGE
There is a problem with the RTE blockstyles in EDGE.
When you use the RTE in EDGE the blockstyle dropdown is inactive and don't let you add styles.
When there is already a blockstyle attached then it shows "unknown block style".
Updated by Steffen Gebert over 7 years ago
- Project changed from 9 to TYPO3 Core
- TYPO3 Version set to 3.5
Updated by Steffen Gebert over 7 years ago
Hi Ina,
I've moved your issue to the correct tracker. Please provide the information, what TYPO3 version you're using. I intentionally assumed something obviously wrong.
Updated by Steffen Gebert over 7 years ago
May I btw. ask you, which lead to to create the issue in the issue tracker for this website https://forge.typo3.org/projects/team-forge instead of the one for the Core project? We get such misplaced reports recently pretty often so that I even added a big warning. It feels like some link is wrong :-/
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Category set to RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor)
Updated by Ina Lindauer over 7 years ago
- TYPO3 Version changed from 3.5 to 7
Hi Steffen, sorry for the late response.
I updated the version. Actually, I identified this problem with version 7.6.21.
I came here through a link a user gave me when I asked about this error in Stackoverflow.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
We are sorry, but we close this issue as now TYPO3 uses CKEditor and RTEHtmlarea is no more supported by TYPO3 .
RTEHtmlarea development has stopped - it has been decoupled from the core and its code is available on GitHub:
If you still need this fixed please create a PR on GitHub
Riccardo De Contardi