Feature #82522
closedAllow some formatting for getAdditionalInformation()
The string returned by getAdditionalInformation() in AbstractTask is obviously run through htmlspecialchars() before being displayed in the BE, which of course makes sense from a security point of view.
But it limits the developer seriously in delivering a satisfying UX. If you have tasks with multiple additional fields, it would be very helpful if the user could be presented with a structured display of this information in the task list.
Given that you can basically return any HTML code with getAdditionalFields() and that it's left in the developer's responsibility to clean his output, it seems strange that the same developer can't be trusted to do the same with getAdditionalInformation(). It would be great, if there was an option to override the default behaviour.
Updated by Michael Stopp about 6 years ago
Really? I'm the only one who sees room for improvement here? I think my point is as valid as it was 15 months ago, but if nobody else shares this view, this issue could probably be closed (sigh...).
Updated by Georg Ringer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Target version set to Candidate for Major Version
Updated by Georg Ringer over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Closed
Dear Michael,
I fully agree that there is room for improvement but the scheduler tasks need to go away and are being replaced with the commands. therefore the whole method will vanish anyways
closing this issue because even though the old task implementation is still there but nothing will happen anyway
Updated by Michael Stopp over 2 years ago
Thanks for the info Georg! Just to be sure: when you say "are being replaced with the commands", do you mean the Symfony console command that can already be run via scheduler or something entirey new/different?