Bug #84629
closedWorkspaces: Notification settings not working as described
When trying to configure notification settings for a workspace, the effects of some settings are not as described in the documentation at https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/workspaces/Administration/CustomWorkspace/Index.html#notification-settings
Claimed: "If the "show dialog" box is not checked, the popup will not even appear and notifications will be sent according to the predefined settings."
Actual behavior with "default notification mail recipients" set, but all preselection-options inactive: Mail is not sent at all
Additionally, the field "default notification mail recipients" gets hidden in TCA when "show dialog" is not checked.
After activating the option, the popup dialog appears and - when acknowledged without changing anything - the mail gets sent to the default recipient.
Is this a bug of the workspace module or is it just not documented right?
If the latter, is it possible to always send a mail to a predefined address without showing the popup to the user?