



Bug #84880


Workspaces: Translation Problem

Added by Juraj Sulek almost 7 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Should have
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There is a bug in Workspaces if it is used to translate elements. It appears on 8 and 7 version of Typo3. This way it can be reproduced:

Lets assume there is a page with content elements and tranlations (1.jpg). The user switch to some workspace. Then he creates element in the default language (2.jpg) and in the tranlations the translate button appears. This is ok. Then he clicks on the translate button and in the step where he should choose the elements to translate (3.jpg) in typo3 7.6 the already translated element appears. So when the translation process is finished you can see that there is the first element twice and the tranlation button is still there (4.jpg). So if he tries to translate again he will have 3-times the same element and so on.

In the typo3 version 8.7 the 3.jpg and 4.jpg works correct so the right element is translated but the translation button does not disapear after translation and if the user click on it he will become in the step 3 the screen from 5.jpg


1.jpg (27.4 KB) 1.jpg Juraj Sulek, 2018-04-26 11:52
2.jpg (27.6 KB) 2.jpg Juraj Sulek, 2018-04-26 11:52
3.jpg (28.6 KB) 3.jpg Juraj Sulek, 2018-04-26 11:52
4.jpg (30.4 KB) 4.jpg Juraj Sulek, 2018-04-26 11:52
5.jpg (9.04 KB) 5.jpg Juraj Sulek, 2018-04-26 11:52
Actions #1

Updated by Christian Kuhn over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Hey, late update, but at least there is an update now.

Thanks for your report, explanation together with the screenshots cleared the subject well.

The v7 issue is no longer relevant since core v7 is out of support by now.

So the 'translate button does not disappear when it should' part is left.
  • Issue is reproducible in core v9
  • Issue is not reproducible in core v10
  • Issue is not reproducible in core v11

So the good news is that the issue has been resolved somewhere since v10. I didn't search for the exact patch, though. Core v9 is meanwhile in 'priority bugfix mode', which boils down to hard blockers and security fixes. The issue with the not vanishing translate button in workspace list module however is rather a glitch, its more an inconvenience that does not create harmful state: Even if proceeding, the translate modal just fails in the end. Thus, I don't expect this bug to be fixed in v9 anymore.

I'll close the issue for now, please contact us if you object.


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