Bug #85535
opentranslate does not show languages to chose from, when a translated item exists
We see the following issue when creating translations of an element:
Given Scenario:
- we have 3 languages: default(English), Swiss German and Swiss French.
- we created content in "default" and already have translated all stuff to "Swiss German" and we work on "Swiss French".
- we have 1 Header Element and 3 Text and Media elements in "Default" and translated to "Swiss German".
Now the Editor is working to create "Swiss French" translations.
He takes the "Header" from Swiss German and clicks on "Swiss French[New]" above, changes the content to French and saves it.
Now he wants to get the other 3 Text and Media elements form "Default" and click on the "Translate" button.
to his annoyance, he does not get the choice to take the content from "default".
this behavior of the "translate" button is irritating and not intuitive and in situations like above even annoying.
No matter the case, the "translate" button should always give all potential source languages as a choice.
At least, there should be a system configuration option, to chose the behaviour within a TYPO3 installation.
Updated by Susanne Moog over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 8.7.19 to Candidate for patchlevel
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 5 years ago
I think that this issue is still present on 10.4.0-dev (latest master) but I am not sure about how to reproduce it; I will write here the test I performed:
- TYPO3 with three languages:
Italian (Default); English (ID=1); French (ID=2)
Test procedure¶
1) Create a "Test" page and translate it into English and French
2) Create four content elements in Default language
2.1) Headline "Test 1" (Just headline)
2.2) Text and Images "(Test 2" (Just headline and bodytext)
2.3) Text and Images "Test 3" (Just headline and bodytext)
2.4) Text and Images "Test 4" (Just headline and bodytext)
3) Translate everything in English (Translate mode)
Result (so far)¶
Four elements in "English" (translate mode)
- "Test 1 in English"
- "Test 2 in English"
- "Test 3 in English"
- "Test 4 in English"
1) Click on "Translate" button; select "translate" mode, select as "source" of translation: English and select only the Headline element ("Test 1 in English")
2) Result: only one element "Test 1 in French" on the page in French.
3) Click again on "Translate" button, select "translate" mode (the only one selectable)
You can't select "Italian" as "Translation source": that passage is skipped and you can only translate from the English source
Is this the right test? Or a different one should be performed?