



Bug #87154


Translations for custom Extension not working in other languages than

Added by Simon Köhler about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Must have
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TYPO3 Version:
PHP Version:
language, translation, multilanguage
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I have the following problems with translations in a custom extension in TYPO3 9.5.1:

In the frontend I only get translations for the standard language (0) and German (1). The other 2 additional languages ​​(es, fr) are ignored and the default language is output instead.

I use the translations as follows, both in the fluid template and directly in the controller, for flash messages, etc.

$this->addFlashMessage (LocalizationUtility :: translate ( 'message.emailinvalid', 'custom forms'));

FLUID: {f:translate (key: '', extensionName: 'Customforms')}

This works fine, but only with English and German, ​​with the ID 0 and 1.
After checking all the settings and paths several times, unfortunately, I can not find the error.

Background info:
- TYPO3 Version 9.5.1
- Sites and languages ​​are set up correctly
- All language files are available, see screenshots.
- The website is multilingual
- Normal contents are output correctly in all 4 languages

If necessary, I can show a link via PM, but I can not post it here unfortunately.

I can provide a URL to the website if neccessary, on request.


Actions #1

Updated by Simon Köhler about 6 years ago

I have now installed the same extension in a TYPO3 version 8.7.18 and it works there without any problems. All translation labels are shown in the correct site language.

Actions #2

Updated by Simon Köhler about 6 years ago

  • Complexity set to nightmare

Now I've created a demo extension to make sure it's not a bug in my extension. The extension was created under TYPO3 8.7 with the extension builder, and only a few parts removed, as well as language files for DE and ES added and translated.

I ask the community for help: Could someone test the Ext. Times in both 8.7 and 9.5, and confirm the behavior?

Here is the link to download:

It just has to be installed and the static TypoScript embedded in the template. Then you can create a plugin "Localization Demo" and call it in the frontend. It should then contain a text in the respective language.

Languages ​​are integrated: English, German, Spanish, where EN is the default language.

It works fine with TYPO3 8.7, but not with TYPO3 9.5.xx. The same error occurs as previously described.

I really hope that somebody will take care of it before our customer does not take us seriously anymore and jumps in the middle of the project. It is really urgent. I can not do more at this point. A donation or even payment would be possible, but if it is a core bug I think I have bled enough for it myself and experimented for days already! That would possibly compensate for that.

Actions #3

Updated by Simon Köhler about 6 years ago

Ok, sorry for confusing everyone. Problem solved, I had set the site setting "Language Key for XLF Files[typo3Language]" to default by accident! Too much stress, too less experience with the new TYPO3 version. The Issue can be closed. Thanx to Georg Ringer for the solution!

Actions #4

Updated by Stephan Großberndt about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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