Bug #87535
closedError There is no column with name 't3ver_oid' on table 'tt_address'.
Hello TYPO3 Team,
I have a TYPO3 9.5.4 with installed maps2 4.2.6. tt_address is currently NOT installed/active
In ext_tables.sql we have added following lines:
# # Table structure for table 'tt_address' # CREATE TABLE tt_address ( tx_maps2_uid int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL );
Database looks OK and has table tt_address with ONE column called tx_maps2_uid.
COMPOSER: Install tt_address, deactivate it in ExtensionManager, remove all columns tt_address columns from DB by hand or Database Analyzer.
Now activate tt_address again.
NON-COMPOSER: Install or activate tt_address
You will get the Error:
There is no column with name 't3ver_oid' on table 'tt_address'.
Updated by Stefan Froemken about 6 years ago
In DefaultTcaSchema.php there is a $tables variable which contains all columns to create. But there are two entries for tt_address in there at array key position 50 and 69 (in my case). In entry 50 I have a Table object with the ONE column of my maps2 extension and at position 69 there is a table object with all columns of tt_address.
It seems that you try to add an index for column t3ver_oid while processing entry 50 although t3ver_oid is defined in entry 69 first.
Updated by Stefan Froemken about 6 years ago
Oh dear. Found it. I have added these lines to ext_emconf.php of maps2:
'suggests' => [ 'tt_address' => '3.0.0-4.99.99', ],
Updated by Stefan Froemken about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved