Bug #89359
closedsys_file_reference does not exists in workspace
We get the error "sys_file_reference:the-uid does not exists" (ajax response) in workspace mode.
We have been able to replicate the issue following these steps :- switch to a live edit
- create a news
- add a picture
- save the news
- switch to a workspace
- remove the picture
- go to filelist and delete the picture
Now if you try to display the changes in workspace mode, you got no changes because of a 500 internal error on the ajax request.
In my debug process, I figured out that entries in the 'sys_refindex' table (linked to the file) are not deleted when deleting the file, which creates the internal error.
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
I'm unable to reproduce this issue in v10. I tried that with a regular image content element:
Having an image in live attached and dropping the image reference in workspace, still leads to 2 references to the image.
If I then try to delete the file in the file list module, this does not succeed since it says "file not deleted, there are still references".
So I'm unable to recreate you scenario to make the workspace module fail.
Could you re-test your scenario in v10 and see if it is still reproducible for you? If so, what am I doing wrong?
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #67676: Element "sys_file_reference:XXX" does not exist" added
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
I'm quite sure this has been fixed with #67676