Bug #90485
closedNative URL support for MountPoints doesn't work in multisite environment
We have a multisite environment with dozen of websites.
Each website has a menu generated by TypoScript with PageC as startingpoint
Menu shows correctly on each website frontend, but when a user click ie link generated for Page1 in "Shared Pages" TYPO3 throws sometimes "The requested page does not exist!" and sometimes "id is outside tree root"
Structure is similar to:
TYPO3 Tree
- siteA.example.com
| |
| - PageA
| - PageB
| - PageC (Mount pointing to "Shared Pages")
- siteB.example.com
| |
| - PageA
| - PageB)
| - PageC (Mount pointing to "Shared Pages")
- Shared Pages
- Page1
- Page2
- Page3
Updated by Thomas Oliver Moll almost 5 years ago
- PHP Version changed from 7.2 to 7.3
I can confirm this Problem under 9.5.15 PHP 7.3
Apparently this leads to errors:
Id=123 slug=/news -> Normal news page
Id=456 slug=/news -> Doktype Mountpoint pointing to /news(123) within DomainA (same slug diffrent Domain)
Id=457 slug=/test -> Normal Page
Id=789 slug=/test -> Normal Page -> Works fine (No interference with 457)
Id=790 slug=/news -> Normal news page -> Doesn't Work (404 (ID not in Domain))
because resolving /news leads to MountPoint /news(456) from DomainB
which in turn leads to /news(123) from DomainA
and ID=123 is not within DomainC so the the error "ID not in Domain" is triggered
Are mountpoints an legit feature that should work?
Does anyone know about this problem? Why is 456 found when 790 should be found.
changing slug /news to /news-mp at page 456 made 790 work again. But Sites B and C have nothing to do with each other (also A and C)
Updated by Benni Mack almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hey Robert,
can you please check with TYPO3 v9.5.16 as we fixed an issue there regarding this setup?
Updated by Robert von Hackwitz almost 5 years ago
Benni Mack wrote:
Hey Robert,
can you please check with TYPO3 v9.5.16 as we fixed an issue there regarding this setup?
Hi Benni,
unfortunately not. It still doesn't work
Updated by Benni Mack about 3 years ago
Hey Robert,
I guess I need a bit more information on this... do "Shared pages" also have a site configuration? Are these pages translated? Are you using the "Use mounted page instead of current one" flag?
Updated by Robert von Hackwitz about 3 years ago
Hi Benni,
the bug seems resolved with TYPO3 10. I don't have TYPO3 9 installations anymore.
Updated by Benni Mack about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
Thanks for the super-quick info, will close this issue now for the time being.