Bug #90769
closedFailure of AbstractRssWidget.php breaks dashboard
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If the RSS feed cannot be obtained, an error (attachment) is thrown regarding the AbstractRssWidget.php so that the dashboard is not displayed at all.
This means that no widget will be displayed that is not affected by the error.
Example quick workaround line 87:
First, this exception would have to be caught differently, and the code that comes after this "if" would have to be put into an else:
if ($rssContent === false) { // TODO: Log this error // throw new RuntimeException('RSS URL could not be fetched', 1573385431); } else { $rssFeed = simplexml_load_string($rssContent); $itemCount = 0; foreach ($rssFeed->channel->item as $item) { if ($itemCount < $this->limit) { $this->items[] = [ 'title' => (string)$item->title, 'link' => trim((string)$item->link), pubDate => (string)$item->pubDate, 'description' => (string)$item->description, ]; } else { continue; } $itemCount++; } $this->cache->set($cacheHash, $this->items, ['dashboard_rss'], $this->lifeTime); }
To display all widgets that are not affected by the error.
Updated by Christian Hackl almost 5 years ago
- File AbstractRssWidget.jpg AbstractRssWidget.jpg added
Forgot attachment
Updated by Georg Ringer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Assignee set to Richard Haeser
- Target version set to 10 LTS
Updated by Richard Haeser almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Closed
This is fixed in current master