Bug #93459
closedFailing installtool mail test on deleted storage folder
An old file storage that has been deleted causes the test mail send in the install tool to break / not work.
Full description:
I upgraded my instance to v10 and tried the mail sending via install tool mail setup (in env section of install toll)
Then i got the error:
Could not deliver mail Please verify $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL'][*] settings are valid. Error message: You are trying to use a method on the inaccessible folder "/typo3temp/_processed_/".
That was caused by my BE-Logo/Login-Image which was set in my LocalConf to an Image in my SiteExtension
I debugged and got into the following class:
There a huge return block exists, while the last condition is the one that triggers the throwInaccessibleException within the
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\InaccessibleFolder class
The issue:
I had an old file storage in the Database next to fileadmin (which has uid 1)
This storage with uid 2 was already deleted.
It had the same path as the Image in the SiteExtension i used for the BE Images
It's processing path was set to typo3temp/_processed_
It seems that the storage which definitely has been deleted, got reactivated during the install tool call - it is not filtered if the storage is still valid.
Updated by Georg Ringer 6 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
hey Henrik,
I am closing this issue as it is an edge case and haven't seen issues like that.
if you don't agree, feel free to contact me via slack!