



Bug #97472


TYPO3 tries to persist value if model has predefined value even though TCA field type "none"

Added by Alexander Grein over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Should have
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After refactoring a model class and adding a predefined value to a field which TCA type is set to "none", TYPO3 tries to persist this predefined value to a none existing database field, which ends in an exception.

The (simplified) model:

class Location extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity
  protected float $distance = 0.0;

  public function setDistance(float $distance): void
    $this->distance = $distance;
  public function getDistance(): float
    return $this->distance;

The TCA field config:

'columns' => [
  'distance' => [
    'config' => [
      'type' => 'none',

I use this field to add a calculated distance to a location depending of the users location.


Screenshot_20220531_152802.png (12.7 KB) Screenshot_20220531_152802.png Sascha Löffler, 2022-05-31 13:32
Actions #1

Updated by Oliver Bartsch over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

Hi, thanks for creating an issue. To reproduce this properly, could you please share the corresponding exception? I assume the exception occurs in the backend on persisting a record in FormEngine?

Actions #3

Updated by Alexander Grein over 2 years ago

The exception will be thrown in the frontend. I will add it later, because I‘m currently not on my computer.

Thanks to Georg for his hint to add this „transidient“ annotation.
Never heared and used it before .

Funny thing, because without adding a predefined value it works as well.

Maybe a more meanfull exception would help to find this „issue“.

Actions #4

Updated by Sascha Löffler over 2 years ago

I got the issue but in the Backend.

Using TYPO3 v10 though. Not tested on v11 yet.

Pretty sure it worked on older TYPO3 Versions.

Field is of type="none" and has a default value in the TCA.

When i create a database field, it works without error.

gdas_info             varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,

So having a database field for these fields is my current workaround.

Actions #5

Updated by Alexander Grein over 2 years ago

It is like Georg already wrote:
Extbase does't care about that.

You have to add the annotation "@TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Annotation\ORM\Transient" to the property definition of your model.

In your case, it should look like this:

 * @var string
 * @TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Annotation\ORM\Transient
protected $gdasInfo;

If you have done that and clear all caches, it should work without the extra field to your db.

Actions #6

Updated by Sascha Löffler over 2 years ago

Alexander Grein wrote in #note-5:

It is like Georg already wrote:
Extbase does't care about that.

You have to add the annotation "@TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Annotation\ORM\Transient" to the property definition of your model.

In your case, it should look like this:

If you have done that and clear all caches, it should work without the extra field to your db.

Thanks. i did read that, but i was in the impression that the model class is only parsed for frontend, Backend only uses TCA.

Actions #7

Updated by Alexander Grein over 2 years ago

You can also use extbase in the backend. Then it applies there as well.

Actions #8

Updated by Georg Ringer over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Rejected

I am closing the issue because it was about the frontend and extbase and there is a solution.

if the backend issue is still relevant, please open a new issue and how this can be reproduced


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