Bug #98944
closed"Missing DB field" error for fields with type "user" in "show all columns" view
When I use a special type "user" for a TCA column with no DB field due to no need of persistence (in my case just a button), there is a "Missing DB field" error when I try to "show all" in "Show columns" in list view.
1. Add a TCA field to an existing table
1. Use the special TCA type "user" and add no field in ext_tables.sql
1. Go to list view
1. Press "Show columns" and then "show all"
1. Result is a "Missing DB field" error
Best to reproduce is to install EXT:be_secure_pw in version 10.1.2 and try to show all fields of the backend users.
The field "tx_besecurepw_forcepasswordchange" is only a button to start an action and there is no need of persistent data in the database.
See also: https://git.spooner.io/spooner/be_secure_pw/-/issues/31
Updated by Benni Mack 6 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Sorry Thomas,
but this is not an issue, because type=user needs a DB field, see the official documentation here: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-tca/12.4/en-us/ColumnsConfig/Type/User/Index.html
I assume you need type=none.