Bug #99369
closed"Oops: Argument 1 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView::checkIfTranslationsExistInLanguage()" in Backend when translation is in non-existing column
I came about this very minor bug:
When you have a content element in an existing column (say colpos 0) and it's translation is in a non existing one (say colpos 3) the backend crashes with "Oops" when the view is switched to "language mode" where the languages are displayed side-by-side:
Oops, an error occurred!
Argument 1 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView::checkIfTranslationsExistInLanguage() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/html/typo3_src-10.4.33/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/View/PageLayoutView.php on line 862
This situation shouldn't really occur, so the probability of someone other than me is quite low.
The backend rendering process seems to "count" the elements per column and per languages and get's confused when the colpos of the translation not only differs from the colpos of the original but has an invalid value (colpos of a col that doesn't exist).
As far as I could test it, this bug is not present in TYPO3 v11.5.20, so the relevance of this bug is quite low, and I only report it for the one lonely wanderer who has the same issue.
Updated by Christian Kuhn about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Hey. Thanks for the report!
You're probably correct this issue exists in v10, and is an edge case issue that shouldn't happen with casual editor work. v10 is in "important / security" patch mode already, so it is rather unlikely we'll still fix it.
It's good to have this report for others to find, and I hope it's ok to close here for now with "won't fix" since it does not seem to occur since v11 as you stated.