Feature #99837
openSupport stdWrap.if for config.showWebsiteTitle
Now that the new TypoScript option "showWebsiteTitle" exists, setting its value based on conditions would provide more flexibility.
Think of a setup where the website title is set for all pages, such as ' The page title - ACME Incorporated '.
When providing a SEO-optimized title for a particular page, adding the website title as a suffix (or prefix) often enough is no longer reasonable: the title's length* is then needed for Keywords, benefits, and a Call-To-Action (e.g. ' TYPO3: Secure & Flexible Websites | Try Demo now! | ACME ').
*Remember: the title length is limited. Long titles will be trimmed in Search Engine Result Pages (and browser tabs).
It would therefore be useful setting the website title as a default, which is omitted if a SEO title is given.
Example TypoScript:
config { pageTitleFirst = 1 pageTitleSeparator = | pageTitleSeparator.noTrimWrap = | | | showWebsiteTitle = 0 showWebsiteTitle.if.isTrue.data = page:seo_title }
I already prepared a small patch which would add this behavior.