


Task #80027

Updated by Christian Kuhn over 7 years ago

I'm not entirely sure, but it would probably be a good idea to 
 remove the 'max' config option in TcaMigration class automatically 
 for all renderType="inputDateTime" fields. 

 We've had a max=20 in core for pages.newUntil field for a while, and 
 this killed the db entry on storing. 

 Since that is a relatively hard to spot and test issue for extension 
 authors during upgrade, it might be the easiest solution to just have 
 a TcaMigration (with unit test) to remove 'max' on those fields 
 automatically. I'd say we should at least do that if the 'max' value is 
 lower than what is needed for a full-date+time+minutes+seconds string, 
 which is probably around 30 or so (needs check).
