Bug #85351
Updated by Joerg Kummer over 6 years ago
Preconditions TYPO3 v9 8 & v9.4 How to reproduce Find non translated labels on TYPO3 backend. See for example the labels for "Web -> List" module or inside "About TYPO3" module. Written in typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_web_list.xlf Expected result Translated labels from translation server after updating language packs or at least l10n/de/core/Resources/Private/Language/de.locallang_mod_web_list.xlf Actual result The labels for "Web -> List" module is in English on a user with German language selected. My observations Changes for language files in system extensions are not available at translationserver, and can not be translated and downloaded via backend maintenance modul in card for manage language packs. My feeling is, that new labels added in TYPO3 core are never synchronised with the translation server. In addition, I also think, that changes in existing labels are not updated on the translation server either. The consequences will be, that the coming TYPO3 v9 will miss translations for the new backend modules under "Site Management" and "Admin Tools" and probably several other labels.