


Bug #86399

Updated by Helmut Hummel almost 6 years ago

During generation of processed files, a wrong processed folder is returned. 

 h2. Szenario 

 Given the following storage configurations: 

 Storage 1: processed folder "foo" 
 Storage 2: processed folder "1:/bar" 

 h2. Observation 1 

 When an image of Storage 2 is processed 

 I expect subfolders are generated in "1:/bar" 

 What happens is that subfolders are generated for "1:/foo" as well as for "1:/bar". 

 h2. Observation 2 

 When an image of Storage 2 is processed,    sys_file_processedfile record does not exist, but the file exists in "1:/bar/a/b/" 

 I expect the file not to be regenerated 

 What happens is that the file is regenerated, because it is looked for in    "1:/foo/a/b/" first
