


Bug #86621

Updated by Chris Müller over 6 years ago

In TYPO3 9.5.0 I have a single-tree website with two languages (en/de). 

 Now I configured the access rights for my editors. The start page with uid 3 is set as starting point for the DB mount. 

 The group has all permissions set for the start page: 


 Now the editor (who is in the respective group) edits the page properties of the English start page and want to save the changes, the following error message appears: 

 @1: Attempt to modify record 'Home page' (pages:79) without permission. Or non-existing page.@ 

 The same error message occurs with the German version. 

 In the database is for page uid 79 the field "l10n_parent" set to 3: 


 The saving for other pages in deeper levels of the web site works correctly.
