


Task #89303

Updated by Christoph Lehmann almost 5 years ago

The Datahandler has a variable named $historyRecords which is primarly used to create a history entry in the database. Its structure is like  

     [pages:109203] => Array 
             [oldRecord] => Array 
                     [categories] =>  

             [newRecord] => Array 
                     [categories] => 794 


 The variable is variables are also useful in hooks like processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations to get an easy view of what really changed. 

 Currently you have to 

 - use an early hook (preProcess) to get the actual record and store it in a cache 
 - use a late hook (afterDatabase) to the new record 
 - maybe more sql queries because of mm changes 
 - compare them 

 I would like to make $historyRecords public accessable to handle changes more easily.
