


Bug #89406

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 5 years ago

Steps to reproduce: 

 1) Switch to TSOB > Setuo  
 2) select a node with a very long definition or comment (you can uncheck "crop lines") and expand it- for example @lib.parseFunc_RTE.externalBlocks@ 
 3) Reduce the window's width if necessary 

 Results: see attached screenshot: 


 The problem relies on the CSS @white-space:nowrap@ property assigned to @.list-tree-group@ - maybe it could be replaced with @word-break:break-all@ ? (I don't remember if Firefox supports it); Alternatively, an @overflow-x:auto@ could be added to the box itself. 

 Affects also TYPO3 7.6.x and 8.7.x but is solved on 10.x itself
