


Feature #89979

Updated by Sybille Peters about 4 years ago

AFAIK, such a method does not exist. 

 It is possible to edit a specific page, but this does not influence the page tree. 

 I don't know if it is feasible to implement it, but it might be useful (see "Possible applications"). 

 h2. Requested functionality 

 A method, e.g. selectPageInPageTree($pageId, $filter) could have 2 (or more) modes as specified in $filter: 

 # The page $pageId is selected in the page tree. The pagetree is expanded to make this page visible in page tree, but the pagetree is not filtered 
 # This has similar behavior as filtering by a page id except that the filter is applied only for the matching page with page id and the child pages are displayed as well: The page is selected, page tree is expanded and all parent and child pages are displayed in page tree. Other pages are not displayed 
 # Mount as treeroot (=context menu > More options > Mount as treeroot) 

 h2. Possible applications 

 * This could be used in *linkvalidator*. The current flat list of all broken links is confusing. You could use this to be able to jump to the page in the page tree 
 * Could be used for *TYPO3 BE bookmarks*. Currently, you can use the bookmarks to edit a page, but this does not change the page tree. 
 * Additionally, it would be very helpful to be able to filter the page tree by an exact page id and (optionally) by a list of page ids (see also #22985). ids. The current filter could have 2 modes: search + filter by page id(s). This would be even more useful for linkvalidator: When in this module, the page tree shows only currently relevant pages with broken links. 
 * Additionally, a BE Fluid ViewHelper could be created for this functionality
