


Bug #93574

Updated by Daniel Goerz over 3 years ago

I have a TCA field with minitems = 1 (test) and a field with minitems = 1 and size = 1 (test_size). 

 <pre><code class="php"> 
         'test' => [ 
             'exclude' => true, 
             'label' => 'Test with minitems', 
             'config' => [ 
                 'type' => 'group', 
                 'internal_type' => 'db', 
                 'allowed' => 'pages', 
                 'minitems' => 1, 
         'test_size' => [ 
             'exclude' => true, 
             'label' => 'Test with minitems (size 1)', 
             'config' => [ 
                 'type' => 'group', 
                 'internal_type' => 'db', 
                 'allowed' => 'pages', 
                 'minitems' => 1, 
                 'size' => 1, 


 With the TCA field "test" the condition only becomes true if you click on the word "Spielwiese", otherwise you cannot save. (see image) 

 With the TCA field "test_size" I have not found a way to fulfill the condition, so you can never save the entry. 

 I only have this bug in version 10.4.13. The bug does not exist in version 10.4.12. 

