


Task #96520

Updated by Oliver Hader over 2 years ago

Invoking @ContentObjectRenderer::parseFunc@ without passing any 
 configuration or a reference to some rendering instruction, 
 in general does not make much sense. 

 Calling this method without any instructions led to various 
 side-effects, e.g. unintentionally enforcing @typo3/html-sanitizer@. @typo3/html-sanitizer@ . 
 This problem was amplified when using @<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="">@ 
 with an explicitly empty reference which actually did not do anything 
 and behaved the same as @<f:format.raw>@ . 

 This change enforces that parseFunc is only invoked with actual 
 instructions. An empty configuration will throw a LogicException and 
 requires corresponding source code or Fluid templates to be adjusted. 
