


Bug #97144

Updated by Benjamin Franzke over 2 years ago

Scrolling the list module with 100 entries causes FPS to drop to <15fps of 19 on Google Chrome (v99) with Linux during scrolling. Linux. 
 This is for sure a Chrome Bug, but reveals that @overflow: hidden@ and @scrolling="no"@ on the module iframe is not a good idea. 

 It would be great to remove the @scrolling="no"@ parameter from the module iframe and enable scrolling on <html> instead of .module-body 

 There are some past issues to take into account when changing the module-scrolling semantics: #83841 #80116 #82780 

 Using overflow: auto on @<html>@ as suggested in was mainly avoided because of mobile iOS overscroll behaviour, otherwise this could have already been changed with: 

 Consider using the standardized @overscroll-behaviour@ property to fix issues on that part.
