


Task #100355

Updated by Torben Hansen over 1 year ago

The @PasswordChangeEvent@ used in @notifyPasswordChange@ can be used to intercept a password from being saved. It is however not possible to visualize to the user, why the password has not been saved, since no error message is passed to the frontend.  

 At the point, where the @PasswordChangeEvent@ is dispatched, the password has already been validated by @validateHashAndPasswords@, so it is more or less redundant to validate it again in @notifyPasswordChange@.  

 The functions @setAsInvalid@, @getErrorMessage@ and @isPropagationStopped@ of the @PasswordChangeEvent@ should therefore be deprecated. This deprecated, which allows us to remove the whole @notifyPasswordChange@ function and the redundant calls to @findOneByForgotPasswordHash@. @findOneByForgotPasswordHash@
