


Bug #104133

Updated by Ayke Halder 13 days ago

The @data-multi-record-selection@ JS-implementation looks like it was intended to be used for **temporary** selection of **records** in the TYPO3 backend - e.g. content-element-records selected in a list-view for 'copy to clipboard'-feature. 

 By sprint in @data-multi-record-selection@ the `data-multi-record-selection` it became the new UI for @SelectCheckBoxElement@. 
 But @data-multi-record-selection@ currently does not handle the neccessary features for multi-select-checkboxes which are **stored** in a **database-field**. 

 Especially checkbox-state changes triggered by click on background behind checkbox or toggle-menu must have the following features implemented: 

 * Trigger data-is-dirty on checkbox change to make a dialogue 'Do you want to close without saving?' appear.  
 * Respect disabled checkboxes and don't change their state. 
