


Bug #89182

Updated by Sybille Peters 10 days ago

Some checks should only be performed if content is relevant. Additionally, the type ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config']['type']) / softref configuration may change due to "columnsOverrides": 

 Currently, no TCA processing is performed, so this is not taken into account. 

 The problem is currently, if page or content element types are changed, the content is not removed from the fields which are now no longer relevant, so in older sites where this had been changed, you may get a lot of "broken links" for content that is not rendered in FE and is irrelevant. 

 Long term we would also like to be able to check flexform fields, so this should be considered as well. 


 h2. Examples 


 * type 
   * tt_content.bodytext : depends on ctype (e.g. is usually not relevant for plugins or header) 
 * pages.url : depends on doktype 
 * displayCond 
   * whether field is displayed in BE or not can depend on several conditions 
 * overrideChildTca ? 

 h2. why is this a problem known problems 

 * if there are broken links in fields which are not relevant are checked (e.g. due to type, displayCond, etc.) 
 * broken links are displayed in list, but editor gets error message or blank page when clicking pencil 
 * which softref parsers are used depends on the type of the field. One field may have different types depending on context (e.g. type of record) 

 h2. Reproduce 

 # Create a content element, e.g. "text & media" 
 # Add a broken link to the content (tt_content.bodytext) 
 # Now change the content type, e.g. to plugin or header 
 # We recheck for broken links for that page 
 # We look at linkvalidator report 

 Actual result: The broken link will be displayed 

 Expected result: The broken link in the element "plugin" should not be displayed, because tt_content.bodytext is not relevant if content type is plugin 

 h2. Possible solution 

 It should be possible to get the information, which fields are editable via TCA: 'interface' => 'showRecordFieldList'.  

 Additionally, the type should be evaluated (e.g. tt_content.CType, pages.doktype, based on $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['type']. 

 How to handle this, e.g. 

 # do TCA processing in Link Validator 
 # alternative: have "cleanup" script which removes irrelevant content (e.g. as in lowlevel cleaner Flexform cleanup). However, columnsOverrides should still be performed to get the correct type. 
