Bug #105592
Updated by Josef Glatz 8 days ago
h1. Problem/Description h2. Example: - @page.includeCSS.1@ page.includeCSS.1 must be included - @page.includeCSS.2@ page.includeCSS.2 must NOT be included <pre><code class="typoscript"> page.includeCSS { 1 = https://unpkg.com/open-props 2 = https://unpkg.com/open-props/normalize.min.css 1.external = 1 2.external = 0 } </code></pre> @page.includeCSS.2@ gets also included without applying any patch to the TYPO3 core. h1. ToDo(s) * Re-add check if the url to js/css resource begins with https, http or // and only include it if external option is set. h1. Acceptance Criteria * The external JS/CSS includes must work like it was before some time ago * The external JS/CSS includes must work like it is documented