Sacha Vorbeck
- Login: sacha
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- Registered on: 2009-01-27
- Last sign in: 2021-05-26
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 0 | 15 | 15 |
09:13 TYPO3 Core Feature #83912: Redirect finisher should be able to handle sections as target
- you also can`t simply add something like 55#c155 manually into the target field as it only accepts integer values. A ...
08:29 TYPO3 Core Feature #83912 (Closed): Redirect finisher should be able to handle sections as target
- When adding a redirect finisher to a form created with the form builder BE module, one can select a target page but n...
08:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #83911 (Closed): Form Module changes order of options of a single select field on saving
- When I save a form with the form BE module, the order of defined options of a single-select field gets sorted in asce...
07:05 TYPO3 Core Feature #34541: Allow custom fields in pagetree overview of info module
- Riccardo De Contardi wrote:
> This one has been solved with #83449 - I think I can close it for now.
> If you t...
07:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #79320 (Rejected): ResourceCompressor treats protocol-relative URLs as local files
- I`m just testing 8.5.1 and found out that config.compressJs =1 or config.concatentatJs = 1 crashes when using protoco...
16:18 TYPO3 Core Bug #66247: File Recycler doesn't collect deleted files anymore
- Confirmed for TYPO3 7.6
23:35 TYPO3 Core Bug #70187: newpagedragarea / pagetree-topPanel should take tcadefaults.pages into account
- Yes, sorry - it`s a duplicate of #59383. Thank you very much Wouter.
21:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #70187: newpagedragarea / pagetree-topPanel should take tcadefaults.pages into account
- Sacha Vorbeck wrote:
> the wizard doesn`t take a pageTSconfig setting like:
> TCAdefaults.pages {
> nav_hide... -
20:21 TYPO3 Core Bug #70187 (Closed): newpagedragarea / pagetree-topPanel should take tcadefaults.pages into account
- When creating new pages in the BE of TYPO3 6.2.15 with the toolbar above the page tree (drag and drop) the wizard doe...
17:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #64574: felogin stdWrap for messages not working in external typoscript files
- It`s the same with indexed search: some old extensions still use the file ext_typoscript setup.txt to include their T...
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