

Ron Hall


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 12 12



21:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #61234 (Resolved): Copy plus FAL in workspace bug
Recently there have been similar bugs identified and fixed in the core. This one takes specific steps to trigger.
Ron Hall


22:45 TYPO3 Core Task #58305: Severe Issues with FAL records when in workspaces.
We have tested this with the dev version of TYPO3 and the fix tests good with us. Thanks all of you for addressing th... Ron Hall


23:36 TYPO3 Core Task #58305: Severe Issues with FAL records when in workspaces.
I have a TYPO3 Intro package with a testing page for this issue available for download at:
Ron Hall
01:52 TYPO3 Core Task #58305 (Closed): Severe Issues with FAL records when in workspaces.
We noticed some severe bugs working with in-line records within workspaces that essentially make workspaces unusable ... Ron Hall
23:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #58306: Copy bug with inline records in flexforms
I have a TYPO3 Intro package with my flexform content element for testing and a testing page available for download a... Ron Hall
02:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #58306: Copy bug with inline records in flexforms
I am attaching an extension built by Jeff Segars that takes care of this bug. However, I believe it uses and XClass a... Ron Hall
02:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #58306 (Closed): Copy bug with inline records in flexforms
We have noticed bugs when copying elements that have inline records inside of flexforms.
Essentially when copying...
Ron Hall
02:07 TYPO3 Core Bug #58307 (Closed): Temporary id for inline records in flexforms seems to be persisting too long.
While documenting another bug, I noticed something suspicious. When a FAL inline record is added to a record to in th... Ron Hall


01:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #22889: Rearrange before / after fields in 4.5
Hi Christopher,
I saw your note asking for feedback on #0014735 about the before after fields. I setup a site usin...
Ron Hall


22:20 TYPO3 Core Bug #23345 (Closed): Link Browser adding spaces to file path and not saving path
When using the link browser to create a link to a file, it is adding 3 spaces to the end of the path and because of t... Ron Hall

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