

Felix Jacobi

  • Login: fjacobi
  • Registered on: 2014-02-05
  • Last sign in: 2023-07-27


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 2 4



10:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #103897 (Under Review): Reproducable 503 when editor has no access to the default storage
when an editor without access to the default storage tries to open the file element browser, it generates a ...
Felix Jacobi


12:21 TYPO3 Core Bug #92409 (Accepted): Regression with Save and Preview Button
I stumbled onto this yesterday when trying to configure multiple save and preview buttons for different folde...
Felix Jacobi


12:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #66140 (Closed): Problem with IE11 and saving (can be reproduced in ext:news)
One can't save a news item in IE 11 (6.2.11 and news 3.1.0).
According to Georg Ringer there is no magic with the ...
Felix Jacobi


15:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #59185 (Closed): DataHandler->log() has no return value when logging is disabled
I had a bug in 6.1.9 with dd_googlesitemap and after debugging I'm pretty sure that there is some sort of flaw in the... Felix Jacobi


22:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #58956: Only one Image saved after multiple upload
Create a new text/image element, switch to image tab, select choose and upload, choose more than one image, u...
Felix Jacobi
21:18 TYPO3 Core Bug #58956: Only one Image saved after multiple upload
There are no errors.
I attached every post response I got during the upload.
Tell me if I can assist in any oth...
Felix Jacobi


13:41 TYPO3 Core Bug #58956: Only one Image saved after multiple upload
On Chrome and Firefox in Windows 8:
Uploading three files, slider-1.jpg, slider-2.jpg, slider-3.jpg:
There is no ...
Felix Jacobi


14:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #44571: FE pdf thumbnail generation fails
Can anyone else confirm that this is still happening with 6.2 and the patch above is not working anymore?
Felix Jacobi

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