Bug #92409
openRegression with Save and Preview Button
I stumbled onto this yesterday when trying to configure multiple save and preview buttons for different folders and noticed that the links weren't constructed properly, i.e. only no_cache parameter was created.
After debugging this I found a regression here, introduced back in 2018. Line numbers are from v9.5.21, but are also found in v10.
$previewConfiguration = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($previewPageId)['TCEMAIN.']['preview.'][$table . '.'] ?? [];
The PageTS is fetched from the target page, i.e. the detail page and not the current backend folder the user is in.
Via git blame I found this review: https://review.typo3.org/c/Packages/TYPO3.CMS/+/56693/36/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Controller/EditDocumentController.php#b960
With a small change (I'm not sure if this is the best way to access the current page id in this context) it is working again:
$previewConfiguration = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pageinfo['uid'])['TCEMAIN.']['preview.'][$table . '.'] ?? [];
This might be an issue for pages, since that needed a switch before? Not 100% sure about that, because pages preview worked fine with my change.
Updated by Felix Jacobi over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #89263: TCEMAIN.preview doesn't work for routed controller with empty arguments added
Updated by Georg Ringer over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
IMO this can't be backported because of highly breaking - even though totally valid
Updated by Jo Hasenau about 4 years ago
So basically it is enough for a proper workaround to put the TSconfig on both, source and target page or put it even some levels lower - maybe on the root page.
So thanks a lot for this ticket, since it finally brought us a solution after quite some time of analysis and searching.
Updated by Anonymous almost 4 years ago
Jo Hasenau wrote in #note-3:
So basically it is enough for a proper workaround to put the TSconfig on both, source and target page or put it even some levels lower - maybe on the root page.
So thanks a lot for this ticket, since it finally brought us a solution after quite some time of analysis and searching.
Thanks, stumbled upon this problem too. Glad to find this issue with a workaround.
Why the proposed change by OP is addressed as "highly breaking" by Georg?
Updated by Philipp Kitzberger almost 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #96667: Save and preview button uses wrong pagets added
Updated by Marc Bastian Heinrichs almost 3 years ago
Stumbled over this issue upgrading a project from v8 to v10.
IMO using the previewPageId instead of the current page is a bug, changing a former behavior and needs to be fixed.
If I get it right using the previewPageId fetching the previewConfiguration makes not sense, having the tsconfig in files.
Because one has no chance to change the configuration using a condition.
Assuming the default configuration
TCEMAIN.preview.tx_news_domain_model_news.previewPageId = 23
and for news from folder foo the page 42 should be used for preview.
Normally one would use
[page["uid"] == foo] TCEMAIN.preview.tx_news_domain_model_news.previewPageId = 42 [global]
This doesn't work anymore.
But this won't work either, since it is a hen egg problem.
[page["uid"] == 42] TCEMAIN.preview.tx_news_domain_model_news.previewPageId = 42 [global]
The only chance would be to place this configuration change in the tsconfig field on page 42.
I guess this is why Georg called it highly breaking.
So the only way to fix this non breaking would be another setting activating the former behavior, right?
Updated by Marc Bastian Heinrichs almost 3 years ago
Ah, ok the hen egg problem could be fixed using
[page["uid"] in [foo,42]] TCEMAIN.preview.tx_news_domain_model_news.previewPageId = 42 [global]
because the PreviewPageId is fetched using currentPageId.
The need to configure it like this seems weird to me.
Updated by Felix Nagel over 2 years ago
Confirmed for TYPO3 10.4.28 with EXT:news 8.6.0. Using TSconfig on root or on both, sys folder with records AND the preview page works.