

Ruud Silvrants


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 11 11
Reported issues 0 41 41



10:18 TYPO3 Core Bug #91364: Extbase/CachingFramework - Serialization on 'Closure' is not allowed
Can confirm this still occurs, TYPO3 version 10.4.27.
Simple reproduction:
-Use a domain model with an @lazy prop...
Ruud Silvrants


11:09 TYPO3 Core Bug #88563: Link generation should not be created when the target pid pages_language_overlay is disabled.
`$language = empty($page['_PAGES_OVERLAY']) ? 0 : $page['_PAGES_OVERLAY_LANGUAGE'];`
Should be changed to ` $...
Ruud Silvrants
11:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #88563 (Closed): Link generation should not be created when the target pid pages_language_overlay is disabled.
- Create two pages with pages_language_overlay.
- Disable one pages_language_overlay (e.g. pid 12)
- C...
Ruud Silvrants
10:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #88337: Edit pencil visible in page view when no user has no access
Riccardo De Contardi wrote:
> Is this one related? #75130
The other issue could be resolved in #87971. This issue...
Ruud Silvrants


08:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #83973: Unable to preview pages on backend domain for multi-site domains (returns 404 code)
Michael Stucki wrote:
> Wrong project. (Sorry, didn't notice until now.)
In the FrontendRestrictionContainer the ...
Ruud Silvrants


08:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #88337 (Closed): Edit pencil visible in page view when no user has no access
The edit pencil to edit the title in the page module is visible while the user has due language restrictions no acces... Ruud Silvrants


23:00 TYPO3 Core Feature #75161 (Resolved): Create uri and link viewhelper for Backend Modules
Applied in changeset commit:fb905535b162a1817d2e29a088c19db85fc1422c. Ruud Silvrants
22:48 TYPO3 Core Revision fb905535: [FEATURE] Add uri/link to backend route ViewHelper
Since unified URL routing is in place for TYPO3 v9 now,
a new pair of linking to routes is added.
Change-Id: Ied1a67...
Ruud Silvrants


12:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #83226 (Rejected): HTMLArea is not defined
HTML area gives the following JS error when using the RTE configured in a flexform. `HTMLArea is not defined`.
It se...
Ruud Silvrants


11:21 TYPO3 Core Bug #59383: Create page via drag'n'drop does not respect TCAdefaults from UserTS
Still confirms the bug on 8.7.4 Ruud Silvrants

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